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大师滑板 儿童滑板街机游戏
This is a cheap skateboard arcade game, it has a cool lighting appearance, but also equipped with a high-definition screen, a real skateboard and a high-definition camera, so that you can fully immerse yourself in the joy of skateboarding

4 球员空气曲棍球桌
This is a sturdy and durable four-person air hockey table arcade game machine with cool lighting throughout and a smooth top

2 玩家儿童街机篮球机
This is a two-player children’s arcade basketball machine. You can exchange points for gifts or lottery tickets and support customized services.

X5 数字飞镖机街机
Funspace Indoor Sports Coin Operated Arcade Electronic Darts Game Machine for good price

This is an anime-style two-player version of the bowling arcade machine. Players mainly roll the bowling ball to hit the bowling pins on the screen to get points, simulating a real bowling experience.

This Air Hockey Table For Sale also has cool lighting, tempered glass panel, digital display, easy to move and other features, bringing players a more immersive gaming experience!