Bowling Champ Bowling Arcade Machine
This is an anime-style two-player version of the bowling arcade machine. Players mainly roll the bowling ball to hit the bowling pins on the screen to get points, simulating a real bowling experience.
Play games while exercising, get better health and happiness
This is an anime-style two-player version of the bowling arcade machine. Players mainly roll the bowling ball to hit the bowling pins on the screen to get points, simulating a real bowling experience.
這是保齡球街機遊戲機的雙人版本. 它的玩法主要是透過滾動保齡球. 無論落入哪個圈子, 你在圓圈中得到相應的分數.
This is a two-person version of the white mecha-style air hockey arcade machine. 它有酷炫的 LED 燈, 可以自動吐球, 並且有一個螢幕可以顯示分數.
這是一款街機籃球遊戲機. 它有一個大液晶螢幕和多個不同難度的級別. 越往後面難度越高.
街頭籃球街機是一種投幣式街機遊戲機. 它以金屬為主要材料製成,非常堅固耐用.
這是一款堅固耐用的籃球街機遊戲機,可使用多機聯機玩, 且計時和計分可以手動調整.
This newly launched custom punching bag boxing machine arcade game has two modes of boxing strength and foot strength testing, and can also take real-time avatar shots through the camera.
客製化的拳擊機街機遊戲最多支持 6 玩家, 提供兩種遊戲模式並有機會贏得可樂獎勵.
This custom punching boxing machine arcade game can be played by up to 6 people, with two game modes and coke rewards.
This is an Arcade Boxing Punching Machine, equipped with punching gloves and dynamic sound effects, making the experience more exciting and fascinating.